The 6 Pillars to Reopen Schools for 2020-21

Please read this important message from Natomas Unified School District Superintendent Chris Evans on safely re-opening NUSD schools: Dear NUSD Key Stakeholders, We have 12 school days left.  I believe 2019-20 definitely wins the award for the most unique school...

Easter Message from the Grant Family

Truly, this Easter is different. There’s no escaping that these times have denied many of us the opportunity to gather in church. We miss the large fellowship. It hurts our hearts as traditional touchstones of the day, such as the big family dinner, and the community...

Christmas Message from the Grant Family

As we celebrate Christmas, take a moment today to turn away from the distractions that come with social media and technology, and let us turn to those near us and the very real world that we live in. There may be a lonely child who needs comfort, a neighbor who needs...

Comments on the December 11, 2019 Board Meeting

I’m very proud to be a Trustee tonight. During tonight’s Board Meeting, the Board voted unanimously on two long-discussed items. The first item empowers individual Trustees to place items on the Board agenda for discussion and revises the governance handbook to...

Fair City Funding for Natomas

Today at 2 PM the Sacramento City Council will decide on its budget priorities for the 2019-20 fiscal year. Despite millions of available Measure U funding, not a single Natomas project is currently in the mix for funding. Along with other Natomas elected officials,...

Opposition to Charter Moratorium

During the April 24 NUSD Board Meeting, I spoke about a series of bills making their way through the Legislature that could have significant impacts on charter schools. The latest effort against charters schools comes in the form of Senate Bill 756, which would put a...