

The pandemic posed significant and lingering challenges to education outcomes, and both literacy and math skills have suffered. Micah was a leading voice in implementing plans to mitigate learning loss, especially among our most vulnerable students. 

Tackling the literacy crisis is a conscientious effort and board members need to make sure that children aren’t passed forward to the next grade without them having completed the curriculum. To that end, we have made significant investments in the district’s literacy programs. Altogether, Natomas Unified has invested nearly $20 million on proven programs that focus on improving student learning, including a writing initiative and intervention programs that help us quickly assess and assist students falling behind, literacy training for educators, arts and music resources, and the LEAP Academy that provides afterschool and intersession enrichment programs. 

School & Community Safety

The health and wellbeing of our parents, teachers, and students is Micah’s number one concern.  

We must do all we can to support our students and ensure parents and teachers have access to resources and tools necessary to provide a safe and secure environment conducive to learning. 

Micah worked with the Board to make this a top priority. He led action to update the Natomas Unified School District safety plan and to enact safety and security policies. Micah helped implement initiatives that improve soft skills for students, teachers, and administrators and that identify students in distress and nip problems in the bud.

He wholeheartedly supports practices that ensure school resource officers are beneficially incorporated into the school community and provide safety without a culture of oppression.  

The board also approved a plan to hire more social workers to provide social-emotional support for our students and is investing in technological resources.  

Support our Teachers

We can’t expect to attract quality teachers to our district if we aren’t willing to acknowledge the work teachers do in and out of the classroom. And we can’t truly receive teacher input if we aren’t meeting with teacher leaders. To that end, Micah has been a responsive board member and has met with teacher leaders to discuss tough issues. 

As an elected board member, Micah led reviews of district finances and found ways to cut wasteful spending and reduce administrative overhead. Under his leadership, the district will continue to identify waste and invest the savings in the classroom, keep class sizes low and provide more transportation options for working parents.   

It’s essential that the district inspires a culture of professionalism around the teaching force that allows NUSD to compete with other school districts. Micah supports policies that allow teachers enough release time to collaborate with other educators so that they can model high-quality teaching. 

Smart Investments

As your Board Member, Micah has pushed for IB programs and new vocational training opportunities, and for upgrades to our classrooms and athletic facilities to ensure students can learn and compete in ultramodern environments.  Micah was also instrumental in securing the funding necessary for the new Barbering & Cosmetology career pathway.

As school districts across California continue to grapple with rising pension costs, Micah called for more investments in the district’s pension stabilization fund to help fund teacher retirements. He also routinely calls for a review of district spending practices and looks for ways to reduce administrative overhead. 

It’s imperative to have an experienced Board Member who can help create an environment where teachers, administrators, staff and parents can work together to ensure the healthy development of our students.

Students With Disabilities

One achievement Micah is most proud of is being an advocate for Natomas Unified to become its own Special Education Local Planning Area. This move brought more resources back to the district for students with disabilities, eliminated time-sucking bureaucracy, and most importantly, lets educators focus on providing more specialized attention to students.  Next, we must ensure that special-needs students get the quality education they deserve and will work with the community to be sure students get the help they need.  

Some parents have told the board that Natomas Unified has failed to honor individualized education programs (IEPs) when providing special education to students. Micah supports every effort to uphold the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and ensure special education services occur in the least restrictive environment. 


Under Micah’s leadership, board meetings have taken place in our schools and meetings are now live-streamed. This makes it easier for parents to access board members and increase involvement in our schools. Micah will continue to call for investments in technologies that keep district finances transparent so hardworking residents can see how their money is being spent. Micah strongly believes it’s essential that we share all resultsgood and bad rather than sharing only those that put the district in a positive light. This keeps leadership accountable, and the community informed of opportunities to improve.  

Parental Rights & Choice

Parents should know their rights and how to exercise them. 

When parents have concerns, they should have confidence that board members are not only listening but are actively working to solve their problems. Micah will continue to be responsive and encourage the district to do more to inform parents about options available to them. 

This includes informing parents of available charter schools and learning options.

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Paid for by Grant for Natomas School Board 2024 FPPC ID # 1468262