I’m very proud to be a Trustee tonight.
During tonight’s Board Meeting, the Board voted unanimously on two long-discussed items.
The first item empowers individual Trustees to place items on the Board agenda for discussion and revises the governance handbook to be more clear while encouraging civility amongst Trustees. The second is a no-brainer and should have happened a long time ago: All Board Meetings will now be live-streamed to the general public.
Implementing reform is tough work. And believe me when I say government rarely does it willingly. Shout out to Trustee Scott Dosick – NUSD Governing Board Member for working with me to revise our governance handbook and to push forward the policy allowing Trustees to place items on the agenda. Constituents should have the confidence that their elected officials are actually empowered to change things. Elections should always matter.
And shout out to Jag Bains for Natomas School Board for fulfilling a campaign promise to get Board Meetings live-streamed.
Not be overlooked on the consent agenda is an item from United College Action Network that was approved to pilot a student-athlete partnership that prepares our High School athletes for collegiate competition. As a former student athlete, I’m proud to have worked with UCAN and the District to push this item through. Many college athletes have a hard time adjusting to life after high school. I’m glad we could provide our athletes with a little more support.