As we celebrate Christmas at the end of this difficult year, let us take heart that God steadfastly continues to bless us with his gifts.

For as God gave us the ultimate gift, his only begotten Son, we continue to celebrate the multitude of gifts he brings our way, every day.

We have the gift of the promise of the New Year, just days away.

We are gifted with the promise of opportunity that things will get better.

And we also have the gift of opportunity to make ourselves better, to show more courage, more inspiration, more compassion to our fellow brothers and sisters.

We are blessed with the gift of friends who do the same for us, when we only let them.

Even loss is a gift, for we cannot feel loss without the gift of life.

We have the gift of God’s blessings, which we can turn to at any time, without cost or condition, and find the strength to carry on.

From my family to you and yours, Merry Christmas 2020.